Vision and Values

Our Vision

At Charthouse Primary School we care.

We set high expectations, supporting all learners; academically, socially, and emotionally.  We guide our students in their learning journey by providing a safe and inclusive environment, inspiring children to achieve their full potential both now and into the future.

Charthouse Primary School is an Independent Public School (IPS) located close to the beaches of Warnbro Sound and caters for children from Kindergarten to Year 6. We have a positive strength-based approach to education and our focus is on improving both academic and non-academic outcomes for our students. 

Our students are optimistic, respectful, and positive. Students want to come to school every day because they know they can be successful. 

Staff are passionate, professional, and highly valued in our school community. Staff want to come to school every day because they know they can make a difference. 

At Charthouse we care about each one of our students and focus on catering for their individual needs. We follow the Charthouse Way which is a whole school emphasis on what is important. By working as a team and committing to whole school approaches, we strive to improve academic achievement; social and emotional wellbeing; resilience; positive mindsets; and increase student engagement. 

Student, staff, and parent voice is important in our joint undertaking to provide a safe and inclusive learning environment. Central to our learning environment is a calm predictable routine, 

with a number of health and well-being programs in place to support and motivate our students. These include a dedicated engagement program; a daily chill out zone; fortnightly clubs based on student interest; breakfast club; mindfulness programs; sporting, technology, and sustainability activities; and our highly valued therapy dog program. 

As a Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) school our values are embodied through our Charthouse ARCH way: 

Accepting • Respectful • Caring • Honest 

As a school community we strive to provide a safe and inclusive learning environment where everyone is valued for their individual qualities and work together to “guide our future”.