Enrolment Application

Thank you for your interest in applying to enrol at Charthouse Primary School. Applications for enrolment can be obtained from the school office or by downloading the application from links below.

Charthouse Primary School has a local intake area with defined boundaries and streets. View our Intake Area section to find out more about Charthouse Primary School intake area.

When completing an application for enrolment you will be required to provide evidence, to support your application. Please bring in the following documents when lodging your application.

  1. Birth Certificate
  2. Proof of address showing that you currently reside within our local intake area. (ie; recent utility bill, lease agreement of at least three months)
  3. Immunisation records, from the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) not more than two months old.
  4. Copy of any court orders (if applicable)
  5. Overseas students (Passport and copy of visa)
  6. For students with special needs and health care requirements any medical documentation

Once the school has received an application and all documentation, an interview will be arranged with the Associate Principal and an enrolment pack to be completed will be given to the enrolling parent to complete prior to your child commencing.

If you do not reside in our Local Area boundary your application will be referred to the Principal and we will advise if commence with the enrolment (this is dependant on our current student numbers).

We aim to achieve a smooth as possible transition for your child during this enrolment process so that they may commence as soon as possible.

Please ensure that information given on enrolment is kept up to date. The school should be notified immediately of any change in address, contact numbers, places of employment and emergency (contact) numbers. This information is vital in cases of emergency (e.g. sickness or accident) and is the responsibility of parents and/or legal guardians.